is designed for entertainment and informational purposes only.
You do not win a trip to the destination displayed.
There is no charge to spin the wheel and you may spin as many times as you want.
Whether you call it travel spin, vacation roulette, travel roulette, country roulette wheel, holiday roulette, or destination roulette we’re here to help you find the perfect destination for your next trip. is designed to help you locate the perfect place to take your next vacation or holiday.
When you spin the Destination Roulette travel wheel you’ll get a suggestion for where to travel. Don’t like the location that you get? Just spin the wheel again and find another destination.
You can spin the Destination Roulette vacation wheel as many times as you want. There is no charge to spin the wheel.
Even if you don’t plan to travel to the holiday destination it’s always fun to read about the different locations and look at the photos.